1. bluberri_kisses avatar

    a little late but CONGRATULATIONS!!!! all the best

  2. Cynthia Rosales avatar

    Felicidades Howie!, I know you undertand me my spanish.... Que Dios bendiga a tu hijo!

  3. Carobe44 avatar

    a little bit late but CONGRATULATIONS HOWIE AND LEIGH!!!!!

  4. Clau Carter avatar

    I hope to see pics very soon!!

  5. Mariana avatar

    I can't wait to see pcitures of the baby!!!

  6. eliCarterRichardson avatar

    Congratulations Howie!!!!

    You deserve the best of the world for being so nice!!!!

    Welcome to the Backstreet Team baby =)

  7. H avatar

    post ´the pics of Hoke as soon as you have them please, we'd love to meet him

  8. Clau Carter avatar

    I hope we could know him soon! :)

  9. mermaid_1966 avatar

    Its all boys!!! None of the adult BSB men have had a baby girl!!! Can you imagine her poor first boyfriend - 5 (yes I am including Kevin) uncles inspecting him! lol

    Anyway, congrats Howie, Leigh and baby James!!!!

  10. saby ROKs avatar

    welcome to the new backstreet boys member!!!+++