1. Postergirl03 avatar

    that is so amazing.. I love the name..Congrats Leigh and Howie.. we all cant wait for a pic!!!

  2. MaraNara avatar

    Congrats to both Howie and Leigh!
    Really happy that everybody is doing great! :-)

  3. bsbfan97 avatar

    Congrats Howie & Leigh!!!! Welcome to the world, baby James!!!!

  4. passecj avatar

    Oh yay! Congratulations Howie and Leigh! Have fun with this new bundle of joy in your life! =)


  5. chechille avatar

    Congratulations Leigh and Howie.
    And Welcome little James !!!

  6. princessnikki avatar

    OMG he was so tinny!!!
    Congrats to them both!!!
    We are now only 2 members shy of the second generation BSB!

  7. Lexous Baby avatar

    CONGRADULATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the world James :) I'm sooooooooooo happy for them!

  8. kroonmaki avatar

    Enjoy you`re new born happiness! :)

  9. thegr8k8 avatar

    AWWW YAY :) Congrats Howie and Leigh! Can't wait for pics!

  10. kate85 avatar

    YEAH!!!! CONGRATS !!!!