1. Lauraa avatar

    okie dokies! im always respectful with people... no worries for me! :)

  2. monia avatar

    thank you

  3. therese avatar

    I think most of us are awesome!!!

  4. bsbgurl07 avatar

    yay im awsome =) i just got married so im not on the webpage as much as i want to =( lol

  5. Gise avatar

    Wow! i don't know anything about the reason why you posted this... This means i'm AWESOME!
    You're more than awesome, guys.
    God bless you.

  6. Robyn1984 avatar

    Yay I'm Awsome too thanks guys

  7. claudiagrimaldi avatar

    Someone knows something about the Afterparty?

  8. Yulia_dot_Ru avatar

    I'm awesome??? Thank you, guys :D

  9. BizzleRok23 avatar

    Doesn't matter if this didn't obtain to you...this is a good way to get the word out across. We are here for a few good reasons...and its to be BSB FANS!!!!

  10. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    That is WAY cool, that so many members here are AWESOMELY respectful of others! RIGHT ON!!!!!