1. A-Bizzle avatar

    I was merely stating my OPINION, although it surprises me that I've gained your agreeance. But to each their own.

  2. Yahtzee27 avatar

    On a side note Monkey your profile picture is sexy. :)

  3. bsb247365 avatar

    Agreed MonkeyAbu!

  4. bsb247365 avatar

    Look you never see me going to other people profiles talking smack.You never see me going into other threads talking smack,but yet others feel the need to to do and thats ok.It seems to me that most people should be reminded of those rules.And as for people talking to you about me or my friends haha thats funny cause most of these people I do not know so if you're tired of it simply say you dont wanna hear it.Anyways Im done with them,but I just wanna point out people should assume anything if they dont know and also plenty should look at themselves before casting blame,because many of the"innocent"ones do the exact same thing which is bash other members.

  5. JezebelKaye avatar

    Okay Krystal that's kinda not what I meant, I was trying to be civil. LOL.

  6. A-Bizzle avatar

    Props to the admin for posting this :), although as others have said, it is sad that it needs to be posted...yet again. Why some people feel that sarcastic drama is necessary is beyond me, but there's no speaking for everyone. Everyone deserves the right to speak their opinion, but is it really that difficult to act in a mature manner while expressing those opinions? Most of us are not in highschool anymore.

  7. KrystalKnopf avatar

    well said duchess25. i think its embarrasssing that matt needs to remind people about the terms of use in this fanclub...AAGAIN! if you dont know them then you shudnt be herree! KTBSPA, or leave.

  8. BSBSavedMyLife avatar

    Everyone should join hands and sing Kumbya! We're all Backstreet fans, guys! Come on! =(

  9. Yahtzee27 avatar

    I don't think drama is necessary but it happens. But it makes it funnier when people who aren't really involved try to be involved. lol

  10. JezebelKaye avatar

    Deena....please...you've said numerous times in not so many words. I'm not trying to fuel drama it seems like you guys are and really I'm sick of people coming to me to talk to you guys about everyting. If you want to discuss something with me say in on my comment wall or my PMs. This is not the place. That was an honest question. I'm just trying to figure out why this whole thing is even necessary. Way to attack me though. You fail, but thanks for playin'