1. Jizzlette avatar

    i must be awsome then cuz I have no idea what this post was for

  2. lovebsb1234 avatar

    ...while we're at it.. we should harass Justin too.. a sweaty shirtless Justin wouldn't hurt either!

  3. Audrey avatar

    I guess I am awesome too...cos man I am totally lost ! lol

  4. lovebsb1234 avatar

    Oh and Dianne, BRILLIANT idea! Can never go wrong with sweaty shirtless backstreet boys!!

  5. lovebsb1234 avatar

    Finally, the recognition I deserve I AM awesome, eh? LOL.... I just wanna sing a song for the rest of the fanclub, join me!....... 'WHY CAN'T WE BE FRIENDS? WHY CAN'T WE BEEEE FRIENDS?!?!" I love everyone here :)

  6. Sway_Shay avatar

    Well I am awesome, it's all about being part of TFA :)

    But well thank you Matt!! :)

  7. Dianne avatar

    You know what I used to do when I lived with a bunch of girls and the estrogen got to be too much and the fur started to fly ?... invite boys over ... testosterone works every time ... so uh BSB ... we're waiting ... if you could just make a quick run through the fanclub ... and try to do when you're sweaty ... and shirtless ... yes ... sweaty shirtless backstreet boys ... I believe that should solve the problem ... =)

  8. Rachel Mec avatar

    What` going on?!!

  9. spanishpitbull avatar

    for once very good post! congrats , and thank you

  10. iminconsolable avatar

    haha m awesome....i hardly even speak to anyone here i had one friend with whome i speak to now on facebook...