1. melauz avatar

    NICK MONTREAL here's my photos http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=66358&id=611021552&ref=mf

    and here my videos :o) enjoys

  2. rt1983 avatar

    apparently AJ got drunk....but we dont know the truth...its the media....who can really trust that source anyways!!!

  3. ingrid_Carter avatar

    Does somebody know what have happened with Aj at NIck's party???

  4. lottilove68 avatar

    I was at the L'action supper club. I had my solo pic with Nick .I 'm super happy. I had dinner with him, I wnent to Montreal night club.

  5. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    I went to both Parties in Toronto at Nava and the one in Ottawa at Tila Tequila and I had so much fun at both,Nick gave me such amazing memories to start 2009 with a bang.haha He was awesome and sweet and I couldn't have asked for anything more,the man was so accessable and got two autographs, he took the pics of us,got my solo pics,two of them mission accomplised.haha he signed my cd booklet with my marker it's the little things that make me happy.haha,got to talk to him for abit,told him happy birthday he thanked me and I also told him happy birthday from Ld and I repeated myself just to make sure he heard me and I said Everyone at Live Daily says Happy Birthday and he extended his hand smiled at me and nodded and said thanks to everyone and I took his hand and shook for 10 seconds and I got a few hand shakes and was almost fed some Icing by him but as he asked me if I wanted some and I said yes but I didn't open my mouth,I gave him my fingers but he didn't want that he wanted to feed it to someone and he did he fed it the Icing to my friend,she died.haha I died for her too.haha He came over to our section so many times in Ottawa,the boy was so just amazing.haha He had alot of fun at both you could tell he was having fun at both parties.I got to touch his stomach,Arm/hand while he flexed it.haha he slapped my hands alittle and I touched his hand and told him a joke that I sucked at telling but itwas good none the less as he chuckled alittle.haha he was a great host,emc and DJ at both even though he didn't dj at ottawa just made noises in the mic but he did thank everyone for coming and did alittle you say oh everyone says oh.lol I asked him for solo pics of my friends and he said yes,he posed for my camera a couple of times and he waved at me and I waved back at him and at the end of the night to cap it off I walked to the other side of the club in Ottawa and said to him thank you Nick and he extended his hand and I took it and we shook hands again for 5 seconds,it was a great way to end the night.I love him even more if that is possible.haha Check out my pics in the threads I made a detailed report of it and added my pics.Enjoy. I am glad everyone had a fun time.I hope he does them next year because they were a huge success and Happy Birthday Nick,it was the best b-day ever and it wasn't even mine.lol Your the best Nick,haha Staying calm and being persistant paid off In Ottawa.haha Thanks Nick,

  6. Sarah Jessica Fernandez avatar

    How I wish i'd live in Canada....

  7. Jami2523 avatar

    Nick's party in Ottawa was AMAZING!!!! I got to talk to him and take a pic with him and he signed something for me!!! I had soooo much fun! It was nice to see him out of the concert scene... he was singing and dancing and having a great time!! And of course he was absolutely adorable!!! :)

  8. airwynnglass avatar

    Oh and I have several bruises and a cut on my neck from all the girls acting soooooo crazy!! I thought that a majority of us are in our 20's and we could have acted a little more mature, but apparently the man unleashes the 13 year old obsessive fan in all of us?!

  9. airwynnglass avatar

    Nava was AMAZING on Thurs night!!! Nick was so cool!
    I said Happy Birthday Nick!!! and he held my hand for several seconds!! and winked/smiled at me and said thank you!!! OH he is soooo cool! Even after meeting him and the rest of BSB for the first time back in November, it was still so surreal, he is such a normal fun guy!!!

  10. rt1983 avatar

    and to top it off i got bruised on my elbow and hips because of selfish fans pushing me against the railings!!!!