1. Misseliss avatar

    Happy B-day Nick! I really wish that I lived elsewhere but the chance will come again. I'm just so glad th the guys throw all kinds of events. Everyone everywhere has the chance of meeting the boys-some years ago you had to fly half around the world. Today u don't have to. Have to go...Take care Nick!

  2. ivana avatar

    Oh and Nick is soooooooooo unpatriotic!!! LOL

  3. ivana avatar

    I say WHATEVER to Nick's bashes............what's wrong with AJ???????

  4. LadyBlond avatar

    Omg, i hope hes gonna be strong and fight real hard to not let this overzome him again. He came to far for this. Ill have him in my prayers. x

  5. train_girl avatar

    I'm so sad about AJ...I just can't believe it.

  6. MoReNa avatar

    i hate that everybody think about nick's bashes when aj have more serious problem...

  7. stefie avatar

    why everybody complain about this ....its HIS bday he do what he want!! And its with reaction like that , that nick gonna stop do special event like that... I think that its really nice from him to let us come to one of his bday... if he want celebrate it like 45 times he can !
    Ok i know im from Montreal so its maybe for this that im pretty happy with those party but also if he choose to make it anywhere else its gonna be the same thing !

  8. BostonBabe avatar

    aww, I so wish I could go!
    I hope Nick has an awesome birthday!

  9. Maddie avatar

    I hope him and all the fans that attend them have fun!

  10. Richa avatar

    Oh and I will be there at Nava once again woo hooo