1. KrisyGirl avatar

    that was soooo Sweet!!! I loved it!!!!

  2. babyaniag avatar

    I know it may sound stupid but I wish I could be in the hospital so they can visit me :) J/K they great guys They just THE BEST !!!!!! I hope Jacky get well soon :)

  3. chickgen avatar

    wow this is very nice bsb rock! jackie take care of you! montreal fan!

  4. Lady_Nadine avatar

    AMAZING - the only word for that. We all can be proud of being fans of this gorgeous guys. Hope Jacky is getting well soon.

  5. LenniluvsBrian avatar

    That was super sweet of them!!!! And I hope Jackie gets better soon!!!!!


  6. drummer4eva2007 avatar

    i love those guys and this just adds to the list of the reasons why - get better soon jackie & keep the backstreet pride alive!

  7. lili8618 avatar

    I hope she gets better soon! And, who else does that besides the Backstreet Boys? No one I know. :) They're the best.

  8. Cherish4 avatar

    Just such an incredibly sweet and wonderful thing they did for her. When they started to sing it made me cry. I'm so very very proud to be a Backstreet Boys fan.

  9. veneruz avatar

    aww...that was soo touching! It was soo nice of the guys too do that. See how much they care about their fansss!! BSB 4 Lifee!!

  10. Mange.111 avatar

    OMG thats so sweet. Bet she wishes she had some fore warning so she could think of some thing beter to say that Oh My God, oh my god. lol If Jackie is a member here good luck with your recovery chick. Your friends Amanda & Caserdy are great. AND don't worry, you suit short hair. lol