1. Timea avatar

    That is the sweetest thing in the world. :)

  2. Backstreetbabe07 avatar

    wow they are so amazing!! that poor girl, what she is going through is horrible but how awesome for her the boys did that!! this is why they are so great and we all love them!!

  3. CECILIA avatar

    Made me cry-They are sooooo great!!!!!!!

  4. TraceyHayden avatar

    Yeah i got teary eyed myself, that was very touching and very nice of the guys to do that for her. it just goes to show how caring and loving they are to their fans!!

  5. Lovesjazzy08 avatar

    I think the BSB did the sweetest thing ever! I feel so bad for Jacki that it happened to her...her story is terrible but the surprize she got was amazing! Her friend is so sweet to do this for her! I am just glad that BSB continues to do great things for people and I as well as many other fans respect them so much! And BTW I was in WIlkes-Barre that night and the concert was incredible!!!!!

  6. MariaP avatar

    those guys are angles..they make this crazy world a better place..and they make us smile everytime we hear their voices..i'm glad for that girl..her dream came true..and because of the boys..i guess she will be better soon

  7. NicoleRN avatar

    As always, I know these guys have a tremendous, caring heart and spirit....my eyes couldn't stop welling up while I watched this great footage......!!

  8. bsbluvsme19 avatar

    that was awesome :)

  9. eef_c avatar

    ok so you can call me a crybaby or w/e but i seriously got tears in my eyes from that video. What happend to that girl is awful and she deserved this! This was so heartwarming! AWSOME!
    Thanks management + guys for making this happen :-)

  10. BabygirlShamrok avatar

    The guys are amazing people ... that was soo sweet of them !!!