1. drama80 avatar

    THAT WAS AMAZING! Our boys are so sweet!

  2. true_bsb_ac_fan4ever avatar

    awww...that was so sweet, and so kind and so beautiful! I hope she recovers soon!

  3. kat23200 avatar

    This is why we love BSB! That was soooo sweet I cried! I can't believe how awesome that is.. Imagine having the guys serenade you like that :) I hope she gets better soon.. THANKS FOR POSTING!

  4. desolatebeauty03 avatar

    Wow that was soo incredibly nice of the guys to do. Shows how down to earth and sweet they are even though they have had so much success. She is a lucky girl and I wish her the best with her recovery. Way to go boys :)

  5. LexiBsbgrl4Ever01 avatar

    OMG! That was SOOO sweet!!!!!!! That girl has a good friend! That video totally made me cry!!!!!!!! BSB, you are so amazing!!

  6. Rizzle avatar

    So beautiful...the boys are amazing, so humble and appreciated of their fans. They have such big hearts and never cease to amaze me. I have such respect for them :) LOVE THEM lol

  7. barbm218 avatar

    ok..that made me cry! :)

  8. BlackAndWhiteCow5 avatar

    that is one lucky girl. and i doubt there are many artists that would take time to do what they did. they are amazing.

  9. kaosprincess avatar

    that was so nice! awwww

  10. moodybunny avatar

    Love it. :)