1. KentuckychickRK avatar

    So it sounds like they'll be recording the major bits of the show for the finale in November AND make a brief appearance on TRL tomorrow -- well that's exciting :O)

  2. gilreathj avatar

    MEGA EXCITING!!!! : )

    thanks matt

  3. Frackalicious avatar

    10.28.08 | Tuesday

    Pink and Samuel L. Jackson reminisce with us as we unveil the top 10 moments that could have only happened here. Plus, we count down the best boy band videos and play new ones by Christina Aguilera and The Academy Is...

  4. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Thank you greatly ooh I can't waite, lol. By the way when will the soundcheck winners be announced?

  5. deedeel avatar

    I don't have TRL :( I'll wait the video on youtube..
    have fun people who go there :) and who will be able to watch it :)

  6. leidibsb avatar

    Is it gonna be live???

  7. Jami2523 avatar

    ekkk!!!! I'm sooo excited now!!!! :) This week keeps getting better and better!

  8. PinkSkulleeRose avatar

    If you live in Canada TRL airs on MTV2 at 4pm (ET)

  9. KrystalKnopf avatar

    What station can you watch this on in toronto

  10. melinda avatar

    That's cool, but there's no way I can watch something that's on at 12:30 in the afternoon! Hello, work!! LOL But hopefully it will be posted on here...hint, hint.