1. RazTaz avatar

    Do you know if VIPers have lined up yet?

  2. Jami2523 avatar

    my girlfriend is lined up...there are about 20 or so people lined up already for todays show..they have been there since noon

  3. Danielle858d avatar

    addicted to bsb: you wont be contacted if you dont win. If youve won, you will get a msg on this site from Admin.

  4. Danielle858d avatar

    I dont think you can re position them, but you can stand where you want. Just ask Nick to stand near you. He will. They are AMAZING!

  5. addicted to bsb avatar

    do you know what time they are going to send the emails telling them if you won sc or not?

  6. RazTaz avatar

    You get to stand next to which boy you like the best right? But can you reposition the boys? Say Nick is at the end , are we allowed to ask him to stand in the middle next to Howie for the picture? I want to stand next to Nick but I want to be in the middle of the picture.

  7. heidi8484 avatar

    I hope I win for Hamilton... fingers crossed good luck everyone

  8. Danielle858d avatar

    It is somewhat rushed...but Its great either way. You get to see them in action, up close and personal. Then you get a pro pic by Justin and as you walk through the line, they shake your hand and say hey and stuff.

  9. XXkitkat24XX avatar

    Anyone going to the montclaire show today? I am still at work=( but should be getting out shortly!!!

  10. RazTaz avatar

    So VIP is really rushed? That kind of sucks.