1. kaoskarma avatar

    Hey, does anyone know how vip works? Can we take a camera or do they take the pic for us.

  2. heidi8484 avatar

    No I don't think anyone knows yet. But boy have i learned that you must be patient to be a fan club member lol. But on the positive side i seem to be getting better at this waiting thing. 5 days!!

  3. Caitlin Holst avatar

    5 more days till london!!!! yay! i am so fricken excited!!!!! get ready girls!!!!!
    have the ppl who won soundcheck been told yet??? im curious if its over or not...i probably didnt win, but i need to know soon if i did,cuz i would have to leave work early....if you have won already plz let us know!!!!!! thanks

  4. heidi8484 avatar

    Seriously i don't even know what to do with myself. This is going to be the best weekend ever!!! I can't even describe how excited i am but then again I don't have to... so many of you understand just how I feel right now. Ontario here I come!!! :)

  5. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    5 and 6 days respectively for our Ontario shows ladies,woot woot! can't wait til the shows,I am pumped.lol

  6. Celeste avatar

    Justin's job descriptions aside from being the "tour representative" are priceless.

  7. Lovehowie avatar

    hollywood - i had 7th row wilkes barre -and OMG the 1st row was so close to the stage, that all the other rows were amazing seats - omg, it felt like we were in like the 3rd row or something :0) lol... it will not disappoint

  8. princessnikki avatar

    airwynnglass --- You don't have to change anything to your sisters name. On the VIP/Soundcheck list it will have your name plus 1 VIP or something like that.. but it will show that you bought 2 VIP's :)

  9. adabee39 avatar

    sorry about that. I must have hit the comment button twice below. LOL!

  10. airwynnglass avatar

    Does anyone know if I have to change one of my VIP tickets over to my sister's name (she is not a fanclub member) I bought two tickets for us for VIP, but are both tickets going to be in my name and that means she wouldn't get in?!?! I just assumed that because I'm a FC member and I purchased two tickets, I could just say that my sister is going in with me and hand them the two tickets? Please let me know if I have to change the name on one of the VIP tickets to my sisters name!!! Thanks!