1. Jewelzzz avatar

    Awesome contest... I hope Howie likes mine!!!! Best of luck to everyone who enters!!!!

  2. Jennifer Emily avatar

    Wonderful Idea and wish I could participate, but like the others - I'm broke right now. Sorry Howie.

  3. caroline.loves.bsb avatar

    Aww I'd love to do this, but shipping would cost $40, thats more than the pendant :( xxx

  4. KrisyGirl avatar

    But great idea!!!!

  5. KrisyGirl avatar

    awesomeness!!!!!!! i would totally sign up....but i don't have anything to psot them on! :(

  6. airwynnglass avatar

    :( Wish I could afford to buy a cuff bracelet! They're so cool! I can't afford to spend another $125... I just bought tickets and I'm going for two VIP's on Tuesday ... my fiancé will have a fit! LOL! Good luck to all who participate!

  7. gaby_argentina avatar

    nice contest!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. erikalynnexrok avatar

    thats a cool idea !! cant wait =]

  9. iminconsolable avatar

    i wish i could by one but m too young and its toexpensive to pay in indian money plus the transport n all...but good luck to whoever enters

  10. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Nice,I have my Howie Pendant already and wore to the concert I went to when the Boys were here in August,it's beautiful.Great Contest.Good Luck everyone.