1. nad2212 avatar

    yeah, an after party in Belgium could be great ^^

  2. CYNnkotbsb avatar

    next time why not a after party in belgium :-)

  3. sweetangel avatar

    I wish I could go too, but it is to far away. :(

  4. SaraMaria avatar

    I'm going... tickets were pretty cheap through ticketmaster. The Edmonton Event center is always good for parties. Acutally Edmonton in general is a good place to party!! Concert is tomorrow ... woot woot... i'm so pumped... followed by Labour day which makes it a long weekend here! Heck yah!!!

  5. Katey Schmidt avatar

    I wish I could go.
    I hate being 15.

  6. nini1922 avatar

    I wish i could go :-(

  7. DaniDazzlesYou avatar

    Please say there will be one for Seattle?!?!?!?! It would be AWESOME if there was an after party for not only the last show of the tour, but the ONLY show on the West Coast! Please!!!! =)

    *Keeping my fingers crossed*

  8. Nikole Kaye avatar

    The after party in montreal was awesome...crowded and crazy but so much fun :)

  9. crisssyta avatar

    the toronto afterparty was a little too crazy and there was waaaaaaaaaay too many people there. i was planning to go until i got up to the plaza after the concert and saw from far away that even the patio was rammed with people. i heard alot of the afterparties weren't so great.

  10. leti avatar

    you're so lucky girls because for europe they never did afterparty's like that pfffffff maybe next tour.....