1. sorcerous avatar

    thx to "justsomerandomchick" for that info! i been wondering when the hell they were gonna start announcing that bs lol

  2. Chaosonwater avatar

    Still waiting to hear about Vienna,VA???

  3. Frack128NGC avatar

    Thanks so much for the info! I've been wondering!

  4. JustSomeRandomChick avatar


    I just got off the phone with Daniel at GroundCtrl.

    They have NOT announced or contacted the winners for AC or NH yet. They will likely be doing that by Monday.

  5. cwaire90 avatar

    anything for Vienna, VA???

  6. kaoskidnicky avatar

    So us people from Altantic City are just supposed to guess and fend for ourselves, haha. See you all there!! :)

  7. chckyboom86 avatar

    So is there just a giant group outside of the box office usually?? I called to make sure my tickets were there, and I asked them about VIP, but they said they had no idea about it. Just curious! :)

  8. Clarissa3782 avatar

    Has anyone been notified for the NH SC?

  9. JClarke24 avatar

    Anything for Atlantic City?? AC is the only one unconfirmed. What's the deal?

  10. melanie_g avatar

    Melycat- I dont know why they dont post them. I won for the moncton sc and it was awsome I also said that I won when I found out....some people dont check their emails so they might not know and some dont even go to the show so they might not post that they won....but not sure why they dont post them!