1. nanc719 avatar

    hey howie pick us we're family. and we can catch up on life. on your father's side of the family
    Melvin n Nancy Barlaug

  2. Janna avatar

    Something for us Europeans too, hahah! :D
    Nice contest though, I almost got excited because I've always wanted to go to Canada, specially Toronto. :D
    Toronto and the boys at the same time!!?? YAAYYY oh no, residents of USA and Canada. -.-

    Good luck!! (:

  3. ajsmom2 avatar

    Oh please pick me.
    Hugs, Cheryl

  4. drama80 avatar

    does anyone know when the winner will be announced?

  5. stephxx avatar

    we want somthing for europe!!!

  6. sweetangel avatar

    I am soo excited!!! My passport will be here in two weeks or less, and my friend already has a passport!! Yah!! And my job is letting my off. I am all set if I win. I am going to keep praying..... I am soo nervous, anxious, and excited all at the same time!! Good Luck guys!! Good Luck to Us All!!

    take care,


  7. princessnikki avatar

    People from Quebec have to know that this is always the case...i think they are just upset that they cant enter the contest and want to take out their frustration on someone, and because its a fan club contest they will take it out here... which sucks because the fan club is just following the law

  8. SelfishFrick avatar

    why europe is not included lol? sad.

  9. stars182 avatar

    If you live in Quebec then you should automatically know that Quebec is NEVER involved in ANYTHING the rest of Canada does.

    They were fighting to be their own country were they not.
    I know they are not part of Ontario so. Rules are different.
    Even though they are neighbours to Torontonians.

    Quebec makes their own laws, and own ways.
    Look it up in google, it tells you all.
    Fan Club has NOTHING to do with it.

    I've lived in Montreal a good portion of my life and even I know this.
    I'm surprised people who live there DON"T know it.

  10. sandyg avatar

    I think some people just don't understand this whole Quebec Exclusion. It's the Quebec government that is stopping people from entering, not the FC. It's been this way for years, and years, and years, yet people still don't seem to understand. Quebec runs through a different law than the rest of Canada does... their special rules have ALWAYS made it difficult to run the same contests as the rest of Canada! Look it up.. seriously. The Fanclub, I doubt made the decision "Lets exclude Quebec", that's ridiculous.