1. Emm@ FBT avatar

    Is there only US & Canada fans is this fan-club ?? :( :( :(

  2. bsbfanatic avatar

    good prize,i just wish everybody could enter...

  3. bulakgirl avatar

    nice for the americans... :) but not for us European ppl :(

  4. deedeel avatar

    Is that the big surprise ? I live in europe and can not sign up for this contest ... :o( it's unfair :o( but good luck friends of the US and Canada

  5. Hanna avatar

    Wow, that's a really cool thing! I wish it was open to all the world though. Good luck to US/Canada fans :)

  6. Asia avatar

    It's GREAT thing to win! Tho I'm sad that it's only for US/Canada residents :(((((((((((((((

  7. drawingstars avatar

    It's because Canada has a sweepstakes law that requires answering a skill testing question.

  8. bradavidnick avatar

    just wondereing why only canadian residents have to answer that math question in a limited time (how long's the time anyways and what type of question????), im nopt that bad inmath but it is diffirent when u are under so much pressure right? unless u ask us uncomplicated addition like 2+2...hahhahahhahaahahhahaha.....but seriously, why's the question for canadian residents only? but of course i am happy for the contest. will there me no other soundcheck contest for the 9099 fans who will not be lucky enough....

  9. Katey Schmidt avatar

    Aww. I wanted to go. Too bad I'm only 15. So I probally won't even be entered in the contest. Too bad I don't have a time machine ! But good luck to everyone else !

  10. Lauren avatar

    Wow....what an awesome contest!!!
    Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!