1. songoku17 avatar

    How do you enter ?

  2. GreenCapGirl avatar

    yeah i was rude earlier but i understand the laws also so we should be happy for those who can enter and stop complaining! good luck!!!

  3. benjilena avatar

    Omgosh I would absolutely FREAK if I won. This is an amazing concert. *Crosses fingers and hopes she wins!*

  4. Rebecca avatar

    This is SO exciting!!! I hope its me :)

  5. admin avatar

    @BSBNess; You are so correct!

  6. Holly Bird avatar

    this is amazing!!!!!!!!
    What an incredible contest!!!!!!!
    good luck to everyone!!!!

  7. aleskywalker avatar

    This is so noooooooooooooooooot fair! and this is nooooooooooot a surprise for meeee!! well done! :(

  8. Moony44 avatar

    redikalus concert.

    aka awesome.

  9. natgl avatar

    giosi: we need to make a petition, its non sense... Someone in the thread said: I wonder if I live in Quebec or Canada? I beleive the same with their stupid laws

  10. MariaP avatar

    god..i'm from colombia and i'm just 13 yrs old..that sucks...but..however...good luck for everyone...xoxo