1. GreenCapGirl avatar

    bah i dont think its gonna change anything! and it would be ssoooooo sad (sarcastic) to those who complain we are whining cuz they would have less chances to win

  2. funkymarry avatar

    ge: i love youuuuuu, and im mad with you!!! we need to ask matt who we can call to whine :D :D

  3. Annie7 avatar

    Why not Quebec???? you suck guys!

  4. karinab6 avatar

    Is this serisouly the suprise? First off, what about every fan on here under 18 ? You can't even enter. And what about everyone else? I thought this contest would be for everyone. Something all the fans can enjoy

  5. natgl avatar

    kevsspeedo: hahah do they think CANADA are stupid they wana test us lol hahaha

  6. nickslilangl101 avatar

    Good luck to everyone who enters! That will be an awesome time! See you at the show :)

  7. natgl avatar

    nimrod849: ppl this we are complaing but geee we have rights to. When I asked matt if we would be dissapointed and if its for all... he said to me : dont worry its big I can tell you and your hopes wont be down, ... my hopes are crushed...

    If you feel like me I created a forum on this subject "ASK THE STAFF" Good luck to the ones who can enter but dont be selfish and bitch at us cuz were complaining, you would to.

  8. GreenCapGirl avatar

    mary je sais mais cest pas grave la ca débordé la jvas etre correct lol

  9. kevsspeedo avatar

    Mathematical skill-testing question required for Canadian residents


  10. kevsspeedo avatar

    Mathematical skill-testing question required for Canadian residents