1. puck avatar

    Good luck to everyone! but this should be open to all countries!!!

  2. letinick avatar

    Good luck for everyone.

  3. mashka25 avatar

    Why just USA & Canada, i can come from Israel, no probs :)

  4. mashka25 avatar

    Why just USA & Canada, i can come from Israel, no probs :)

  5. kerzoxx avatar

    ooooh thats exciting... not for me tho... damn its times like this i wish i was american! haha xx

  6. Fidjie avatar

    Great contest! but so sad it's only for America T_T. Good luck everybody!

  7. becs avatar

    thanks ... nice to know that fans outside of canada and the usa are tho ught of......

  8. Malin avatar

    this is awesome... I just wish that I could enter this...

  9. iminconsolable avatar

    aaahhh its only or Americans and Canadian i wud hv flown too

  10. Angie_Hime avatar

    Why just Canadians & Americans???
    I'd fly all the way to Toronto...no probl!