1. iminconsolable avatar

    the chat was cool woke up at 3 30 in the middle of the night...lol though i cudnt get my question and when i did it was time for him to go i hope there will be a next time cause some of us had so much of trouble

  2. foreverbsbfan avatar

    Couldn't make it to the chat as I don't have the internet at home at the moment. I'd love to see the video footage but the link isn't working...

  3. Lilly-Marie avatar

    Hahahaha what a night!!

    Thanks guys!!!!!

  4. sorcerous avatar

    not to be a pain in the drane but the link isnt working to view the footage :(

  5. Sway_Shay avatar

    Hated to miss it but dang!! :)

  6. kirsty rea avatar

    hey thanks nick for the chat it was great of you to stay that long

  7. Mary_Alien avatar

    it was incredible, now im totally sleepy (thanx nick hehehehe) but the chat time was awe!, if i fall asleep at work its gonna b nicks fault hahahaha, nah now seriously, it was so nice watching him being all that sincere... whens the next chat nickolas? :-p

  8. backstreetgirl1984 avatar

    Nick was awesome !!
    I woke up in the night for that and after the chat I had only a couple of hours sleep but it is all worthx for Nick.

    I hope he will do another video chat soon and cannot wait to hear some new solo stuff !!!

  9. Nick lover avatar

    The chat was great, and I question has been answered. It was from 1 to 2 am for me and now its 07.45 am and i have to go to work. You can imagine that I am sleepy, but Nick was was so hot and cute that couldn't get of the chat and I stayed untill the end! Thanks for it!

  10. emmah avatar

    haha the first 6 mins were the best, seeing him getting ready and kinda excited too. cant wait to hear more solo stuff!