1. windy avatar

    I cant wait to see them

  2. emmah avatar

    lol omg nick's hat lol mattsie your funny!
    its gonna be 2am, id like to be there but im afraid its gonna be too crowded, even though im really small.

  3. AmandaR19972010 avatar

    So excited that this is a video chat!!! Can't wait to see him! :)

  4. backstreetgirl1984 avatar

    I am so looking foraward to it. It will be 1 am here in Germany, but when I have the chance to see Nick, I don not need sleep :-)

    And yes, I do miss Nicks;s corner and Nick !!!

  5. aeiouna avatar

    I'm so there! 4pm sounds good.

  6. Stephanie avatar

    I'll try to be here (hope I won't fall alseep in front of my computer lol)

  7. Wendy8s8 avatar

    I have work... =(

  8. Nick lover avatar

    I'll be there, it is one o'clock in the middle of the night in my country (the Netherlands) but I don't care. I stay up for the wonderfull change to talk with Nick. And yes I miss Nick's corner, it's always so funny and so Nick!

  9. bradavidnick avatar

    matt u sounded so gay....i guess u got drunk...just kidding (",

  10. Angie_Hime avatar

    Yeah, yesterday it was crazy & Nick was not online! lol
    It will be KAOS!
    Can't wait...at least I'll see him.