1. Jami2523 avatar

    The chat was AWESOME!! Thank you sooo much to everyone who was involved!! =)

  2. Sandra1981 avatar

    That was awesome! Nick was great! I hope that you come back soon on the chat (and maybe longer)

  3. Selvaia avatar

    thank you Nicky! next time Brian pleaseee!!!

  4. AnnieBanani avatar

    yeah! thanks nick. had an awesome time! :D love your dog too! XD

  5. Emm@ FBT avatar

    Thk to Nick for taking his time to answer some of questions ! :)

  6. bj_care avatar

    Yeh is the link to view this footage not working for anyone else? it says 'error on the page' for me.

  7. AlinaB avatar

    I watched it again, even if I'm still tired :P your thinking is so "healthy", I admire you for being with "the feet on the ground" after all you achieved... I mean I'm thinking.. in a top of the most loved artists you could easily be no. 1.
    Nick I think that if you want.. you can be the new king of pop..! :) I mean this...
    can't wait 4 the new album&concerts! I'm happy you don't stop making music!
    hope 2 cu soon! miss ya here in London
    luv pupici=kisses

  8. Malin avatar

    Thank you! I was up till the middle of the night just to see it and it really was worth it!! =)

  9. deedeel avatar

    thank you Nick and thank to the moderator. The chat was so cool :) Nick was so funny and cute :op
    Thank you :)

  10. Ilze avatar

    Great chat! This was a really amazing night! :D
    And thank you soooo much for the video! :)