1. sweetd4ever avatar

    Actually Kristy, I'm not calling you out on anything... your dumbass comments are entertaining me!

  2. Kristy81781 avatar

    AHAHAHAHA. You're so freakin hilarious, but here's the problem..I'm not reverting down to your 1st grade level. Sorry girls. That's just a level of immaturity I don't drop to, I mean even Baylee is more clever than that. Yes I posted, because I WANTED TO, and I never said I was going to stop so umm, what is it you're supposed to be calling me out on sweetd4ever? I'm not the one whining because I said I was going to stop and then didn't know how to keep my mouth shut.

    Loris: Not sure how close they'll sell them up to the show date but I doubt they'll last utnil just days before a show date.

  3. lorisboo7 avatar

    Thanks Kristy...so I guess they sell them right up until the concert, or a few days before?????

  4. monibsb06 avatar

    excuse me?

    but is it me or are the bsb not gonna come to FL?
    its hometown? i dont wanna freak! but its been years and i need my dose of bsb!

  5. Lindz avatar


  6. sweetd4ever avatar

    ummmm KRUSTY.. opps I mean KRISTY.... who's "responding" now?????????? I think you NEED to be done now.... :-)

  7. Kristy81781 avatar

    Until they sell out Loris. :-)

  8. Kristy81781 avatar

    Lindz, you're the one that continues to respond. What does that say about you? Obviously that you are incapable of following through with anything you say. I'm entitled to post whatever I want, if you say you're done talking to me then it seems to me you need to stop typing comments to me here. :-)

  9. lorisboo7 avatar

    admin....how long will these VIP's be up for sale? I bought one for the 30th in St John's but have not purchased one for the 29th - hoping to win one!!!! If I don't win, will I still be able to purchase last minute if there are any left?

  10. NeeCee avatar

    Bummer no VIP for Minnesota and Indianapolis!