1. JTMON3Y avatar

    admin: Is there ANY chance that they could be released in Edmonton and/or Victoria ? Or should I give my hopes up now?

  2. moera avatar

    wow its the same thing at every show! you have to understand that the admins can't please everybody! You should feel lucky to have acces to presale and have the opportunity to TRY to buy VIP. All the admins work their as* off to please all of us

  3. Lindz avatar

    Is it or is it NOT the admins job to tell us that our city will not be getting VIP'S????

  4. Lindz avatar

    O.M.G. Kristy! People are MAD because we were MISLEAD... can you understand that? You really don't seem to be able to grasp that at all. FINE... we didn't get VIP's. We will still go to the show. We would have liked some sort of indication that we would NOT be getting VIPs. GET IT?

  5. Kristy81781 avatar

    So be pissed but it's not admin's fault so why is everyone here complaining to him? So you need to vent? Fine, but pointing it towards the FC isn't gonna get you anywhere. It's up to the venue and promoters, we all know that and just what we know about their schedules isn't all there is. People act like oh it's only 40 minutes on the ferry blah blah blah. There's tons of things going on behind the scenes that you guys are clueless about, the guys don't get to just hop on the fairy and go, everything becomes a fan encounter with them and yes, that makes a time restriction. It's not like they hand picked the dates to skip over. There's nothing anyone can do about it at this point so go to the show and enjoy it, look at all the places they aren't going. Be grateful they're coming near you at all.

  6. Marren avatar

    Admin.. I understand that now. But it wasn't clear when I signed up. Like I said.. what was advertised was Sign up and you get access to VIP. If you would've known that only 40 tickets would be released, I would have not bothered signing up for a fanclub cuz obviously BSB has more than 40 fans wanting to see them. Bottom line is, this whole VIP thing wasn't clear. Just look at the all the comments and I hope you can see that.

  7. Nic avatar

    i do agree that the fan club prob should have said a bit before you know we cant do them for these shows because of time restrictions, not sure what thats about. time restrictions for what? But that being said I think there is a bit of over reaction on the fans parts. do any of you remember the previous fan club? Remember how we got jack*&^% from that one?

  8. brigit avatar

    I have to go to work, but I just want to say that I needed to get two vips for vancouver and could only get one so I'll probably be giving it away to someone because I won't go in without my gf. So I'm not telling anyone they're being unreasonable for not getting what they want while sitting here with everything I wanted. I'm sorry everyone didn't get what they think they deserve but life doesnt always work out perfectly and thats okay. Try to calm down everyone, breathe, love, and enjoy what you have.

  9. lizzie82 avatar

    To Admin: We know that the nr of vip tickets are limeted, the point here that a lot of us got tickets and when it was time to pay the tickets where taken from us. it would have been diferent when we tried to purshase the tickets it would have said sorry the are no tickets left but this was not the case, we where able to put the tickets in our cart. can you explain this??

  10. funkymarry avatar

    i <3 the admins xxx