1. admin avatar

    Not every show can have VIPS. This is not something we select nor do the guys but logistics. Things like long drives, late load in's, etc are to blame. It's not like the guys DON't want to do them, they just can't!

  2. bradavidnick avatar

    will there be no soundcheck contest for tornto....last chance to get a vip ticket

  3. bradavidnick avatar

    will there be no soundcheck contest for tornto....last chance to get a vip ticket

  4. bionerdie avatar

    Kristy, let me put it into perspective for you: 1. I DID read the forum posts but no questions about my show were ever answered. You can't possibly expect me to jump to a conclusion about one show because of what happened with another. 2. The e-mail sent out last week said that VIPs for the rest of the tour... a little misleading since there were several dates that did not get VIPs. 3. I've been a fan club member for 3 years, waiting for the chance to buy presale (not VIPs) which were not offered for my show either. 4. No one is trying to ruin anything for anyone. 5. Everyone has their opinion - deal with it.

  5. dayone avatar

    anyone know what MN NOT having VIP?

  6. dayone avatar

    anyone know what MN NOT having VIP?

  7. ladyvicious avatar

    no one said we're entitled to anything, but as people who pay for this service, i think we are at least entitled to earlier notice if VIP's won't be happening for the show instead of leading us to believe they would be. don't get me wrong, i think the fanclub is doing a great job catering to as many people as they can, but it's sorely disappointing to find out something won't happen the minute before when we've been told it WOULD be.

  8. Kristy81781 avatar

    I didn't name call and like I said before, I would have been happy not having VIPs, yeah I'm excited to have them but I've gone to plenty of shows before WITHOUT them and would have gone to this one without them. I didn't win soundcheck to the last tour so yeah I've had a taste of it.

  9. dayone avatar

    anyone know what MN NOT having VIP?

  10. dayone avatar

    anyone know what MN NOT having VIP?