1. Nic avatar

    they didnt know. its upto the venue

  2. Kaztiel avatar

    I don't in any way shape or form blame the Boys for this. It's the fan club that is screwing up here. And deleting every ones comments.... VERY adult. See Lindz earlier post... I am %100 with everything she said.

  3. lin.cameron avatar

    I hold nothing against the guys at all. I shall continue to be a devoted fan until I die of old age. I am annoyed and frustrated with the organizers of the shows, etc. I really hope we will have a chance in the future. There are no words to describe how much it would mean.

  4. lin.cameron avatar

    I hold nothing against the guys at all. I shall continue to be a devoted fan until I die of old age. I am annoyed and frustrated with the organizers of the shows, etc. I really hope we will have a chance in the future. There are no words to describe how much it would mean.

  5. ldttv avatar

    hey sylvanna it happened to me too dont worry!

  6. ladyvicious avatar

    it's not up to the venue, it's time restrictions, plain and simple. i know 'cause i called the venue and they said it was not up to them it was up to the promoters. i understand the time restrictions, but i feel that the fanclub is responsible for leading those of us on (in edmonton,victoria,redmond,etc). next time you do something like this, think about the people who are completely dedicated to the Boys and get their hopes for getting VIP CRUSHED.

  7. admin avatar

    you guys know the VIPS are exclusive and they only open it up to 30 - 40 people MAX right? Is anyone happy?

  8. juels101 avatar

    It's 4 Men, trying to make MILLIONS of people happy. They got this site, your able to buy tickets before anyone, it's a great opportunity to meet toher bsb fans.. Be disapointed but understand 4 guys can't meet every single fan they have. I very much doubt any of this was done on purpose, be thankful they make music at all, and that they are back, even without Kevin to come and give us entertainment.

  9. Lindz avatar

    I am sure the people who GOT the VIP's for the dates that were actaully posted are very happy. Unfortunately you should also take into consideration that there are a lot of us who got even the CHANCE of getting a VIP taken from us with NO warning. Why should we be happy about that? That we paid to join the club for nothing? I am not happy about throwing away money.

  10. JTMON3Y avatar

    I'm not mad at the boys at all!! Just the organizers who did not let us know where the VIPS would be before tickets were released. I would have totally went to Calgary instead !!