1. JTMON3Y avatar

    Wow, were they really $275 bucks ?? That's expensive. Still worth it though. Does anyone know when we will find out where the seats are? Is it first come first serve or what?

  2. JTMON3Y avatar

    Yes it most definitely will SUCK!! It has been a dream of mine to meet them for over a decade !! Now my probably one and only chance has been shattered !!

  3. Kaella avatar

    I'm going to spend the 275 bucks on something "special" for myself...a few friends missed VIPS to the Vancouver show..but we are going to take ourselves shopping instead. Make the most of it! I'm just looking forward to seeing where my seats are :)

    Take Care

  4. lorisboo7 avatar

    Good advice Dianne! I think people are reacting out of anger and frustration. I can understand....but maybe a little time to cool off may put things in a different perspective.

  5. Dianne avatar

    ok so I should probably just shutup .. but I figure if this can help even one person then it's worth it ...
    I understand that many people are very upset and this is my advice ... step away from the computer ... go do pretty much anything else ... trust me ... tomorrow morning you'll wake up and it'll still suck that you don't get to meet BSB ... but hey .. that's life .. at least you'll still have your dignity ... =)

  6. Sway_Shay avatar

    I so would love a VIP for IL Show if I could afford it :(


  7. ladyvicious avatar

    so true. unless you're in our position, you won't understand nor bother to TRY to understand our position.

  8. ladyvicious avatar

    do people here read what we're actually writing before reply with their holier-than-thou attitude?

  9. Lindz avatar

    No they don't because they had their chance and they got their VIP's and they don't care.

  10. ladyvicious avatar

    do people here read what we're actually writing before reply with their holier-than-thou attitude?