1. stf avatar

    how come vancouver VIP is the only one all sold out already? all other are still available...

  2. TrayNinja avatar

    Wanted to thank you guys again!!! And thanks for the oppurtunity to actually meet them!! I don't think you guys get thanked enough.
    One question though, with the VIPs do you know if we are aloud to bring a camera with us to take pictures or not?

  3. yuu0121 avatar

    Hi sylvanna,same here!

  4. kat23200 avatar


  5. Jasmine avatar

    Sylvanna78, YAP! I had the same feeling, but i was wrong. SOLD OUT.

  6. kat23200 avatar

    Yes it happen here too

  7. ldttv avatar

    hey sylvanna it happened to me too dont worry!

  8. yuu0121 avatar

    Plz more VIP for Van....

  9. Marren avatar

    where did all the comments go?

  10. admin avatar

    YAY! This is going to be fun.