1. LenniluvsBrian avatar

    I hate the waiting game - lol.


  2. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    I know! come on.. email:)

  3. bkstgurl avatar

    still waiting.... OH e-mail PLEASE come.... I can't take this much longer

  4. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    lol tam! i'd push my way through! "HOWIE.. HERE I COME!" hahaha

  5. LenniluvsBrian avatar

    Still waiting....lol. I've no patience, I know!


  6. Tam avatar

    when i was at another concert at Molson (not BSB), the usher told people at the front to block people at the back of 100s from coming to the front lol

  7. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    there wasnt even any ushers on the floor when i went last time .. so everyone was running up to the stage.. it was like a bsb mosh pit;)

  8. Kristen avatar

    ya depending on what ushers are working and if they are nice or not they will let you move up closer (in the 100's level only for toronto) i have seen good ones and bad ones

  9. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    omgosh thats amazing! last time i was the last row in section 103 and it was wicked! u could run right up to the stage (toronto)

  10. Kristen avatar

    montreal & ottawa for me!