1. queenmonkey avatar

    i got 6th row in toronto and 11th in detroit... I'm so effin excited!!! that just made my day!! thanks BSB and groundctrl!!!!!

    lots of love.

  2. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    lol thats incredible! it took my sister like 20 mins to get ours because it wouldnt take her credit card for some stupid reason.. so hopefully we get good seats

  3. cutestgrl avatar

    Not very long.. I just check my payment confirmation email from ground ctrl.. and my order went through at 6:02pm...

    so i guess it took 2 min?..wow.. i cant believe it was so fast.. damn!

  4. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    cutestgrl- how long did it take you to get your toronto tickets the day of the presale?!

  5. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    ugh i want my sister to get the toronto email!! i wanna know where we are sitting!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. cutestgrl avatar

    Hope everyone gets awesome seats too!

  7. cutestgrl avatar

    I cant believe I got 2nd row.. I'm ecstatic!

  8. lovebsb1234 avatar

    OH MY GOD I'm getting all excited to find out my seats for Ottawa now!!! C'mon be good ones!!!!

  9. Kristen avatar

    opps sry for the double post....
    im jealous of you all i want my seats!! :(
    you guys will have awesome times!

  10. Kristen avatar

    cutestgrl- where are you sitting?