1. #1nickcarterfan avatar

    does that mean we cant see it in the US
    ill have 2 watch it on the internet....
    thanks 4 the post

  2. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    im assuming we dont get these channels in Canada?

  3. Pluk avatar

    That's what I also thought Dutchie. Apperently they have a channel (or part of a channel) in the UK now also. I looked it up on google, it even has the same logo.... I got all excited, but alas.

  4. sriccia2 avatar

    Me too Stephhhh!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE lmao

  5. dutchie avatar

    Does the Uk have TMF??? I thought it was only belgium and the netherlands...

  6. kirsty rea avatar

    thanks for info

  7. Melycat avatar

    well at least we could know for the pre-sale

  8. Kristen avatar

    i thought this was canada stuff too! i cant wait anymore

  9. michelle avatar


  10. stazie1921 avatar

    That scared me , thought it was Canadian info...sad :(