1. swttogepi avatar

    Will there be sound check contest for the U.S part of the tour for those who can't afford the VIP package to try their luck?

  2. BSBKitty07 avatar

    You mean you can't sit in the GA concerts?!

  3. brazilianfan avatar

    hey bsb kitty it`s tough , but you got do what you got do right ... and maybe if they do a concert closer we can all go together , because i live close to de leidi ..
    and i`ll cross my fingers to win the sound check thing .. if they have one .. lol

  4. BSBKitty07 avatar

    You mean you can't sit in the GA concerts?!

  5. brazilianfan avatar

    hey everybody , thanks for the informattion . but i can`t afford it .. i have to pay my insurance ... i`m sad .. but at least i`m going to the concert right ... next time .. and maybe they `ll do a concert closer to me ...

  6. SaveHorsesRideBSB avatar

    so mateo..what about the seattle show??

    have fun everyone who gets vip! ♥

  7. BSBKitty07 avatar

    You mean you can't sit in the GA concerts?!

  8. BSBKitty07 avatar

    You mean you can't sit in the GA concerts?!

  9. brazilianfan avatar

    hey everybody , thanks for the informattion . but i can`t afford it .. i have to pay my insurance ... i`m sad .. but at least i`m going to the concert right ... next time .. and maybe they `ll do a concert closer to me ...

  10. BSBKitty07 avatar

    leidibsb: Let's keep our finger crossed for a NYC/northern NJ concert!

    brazilianfan: At least you can go see them! But I know how it feels to have bills to pay (I have a huge summer courses bill this summer!)

    I am going to risk not going to the AC concert and wait for a closer tour. I am a poor college student! haha!

    Eitherway ladies have fun at the concert and blog about it !!