1. MissCascante-Littrell avatar

    i actually haven't seen this but will def check it out when i get home tonight!

  2. Nickely avatar

    I am very happy for the bsb, truly deserve all the success that is taking this tour, I'm anxious for my city come to monterrey, mexico, hope it will be in 2010, for one very lucky to bsb and their fans the support from our cities are

  3. juels101 avatar

    Someone knew I liked them and had seen the show and tryed to tell me how horrible they were. I told her I knew they were purposely doing things for the show, they weren't actually like that. It was funny.

  4. Ren3gade avatar

    I think its kind of funny how seriously everyone here takes what people say about the backstreet boys. I mean i can understand it i know, when i was 12 or 15 or how ever long ago it was....12 years...OUCH! im old. i used to get so backed up over what people say about them. But lets face it. Laugh it off. We all make fun of each other. and for the most part whatever your aunt, sister, mother boyfriend or whoever it is, is saying. they're most likely doing it to get a rise out of you. and Thats probably almost more entertaining than actually poking fun of the boys.

    ahahah amuse me.

  5. eneticon avatar

    spellcheck does not come with fanclub membership... lol ***"bsb if u know them like me"***

  6. eneticon avatar

    i just finally got to see this episode on nbc.com and i never thought that they were doing anything BUT pullin trace's leg lol and traces interviews bout them lmao "bsb is u know them" oh i was crackin up! :-) wheatgrass and nail polish lol oh backstreet haha

  7. Amanda Joy avatar

    I think it's sad after people saw them they think they're really mean. That's what my aunt believes..and I keep telling her that it was a put on and all a joke she just goes on and on and bad mouths them and trashes them and i'm like omg stop it! but she doesn't listen so I ignore you and bad mouth her stupid country singers as much as possible to make her mad lol

  8. penny avatar

    i knew while watching the show that ya'll were messing with Trace. I thought it was funny. I did have to tella friend of mine that it was a joke.

  9. Glenda K avatar

    Your Fans know they arn't stuck up that way So those that aren't fans Just don't get it and never will. Guess your better actors then you thought you were. We the fans know are boys . Your unstopalbe We love yeah. I never watch that show I can't stand it. I only watched because our boys were on it.

  10. malan avatar

    OMGash I lOved the show, especially the episode with the nail polish, it was hillarious! ;D I Love U :*