1. Kanela avatar

    THANK YOU!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!:D

  2. eef_c avatar

    Riga SC winners: HAVE FUN :) It's gonna be awsome, i promise you!! :)

  3. alex03 avatar

    how do you enter ????

  4. violeta avatar

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I cannot believe it!!!!!!!!

  5. violeta avatar

    Riga is only in a couple of days! Ahhhhhh, soooo exciting!!!

  6. nad2212 avatar


    please uplaod them xD

  7. angelwenneke avatar

    yes that"s right misscitroentje!!!!! I hope we get them soon!!

  8. misscitroentje avatar

    yes! show us our pictures from brussels!
    175€ is a lot of money when you don't get what you were promised!!!!

  9. Mrs_Backstreet avatar

    Can we have the Birmingham soundcheck pics please? Also, give the poor people at Brussels their photos...not fair to make them wait, especially the ones who paid good money for theirs!!

  10. pupmc42 avatar

    I cant believe i got no email notification that I won on the belfast sound check. i checked this site twice before i left on monday. i had to travel for 6 hours to get to belfast and there was no notifcitaion on the website about who had won before i left on MOnday and i log in now and there it is up... I cant believe the details went up so late for Belfast, thats realy bad form im so gutted..... the concert was great though...