1. flipyschmitz avatar

    when i buy a vip ticket can i bri ng a friend with me or is it only for one person???

  2. Evelien avatar


    Yes Brussels is sold out. I bought the last ticket I know cuz first I could buy 3 (but I wanted 2) and I could only order one.


  3. misscitroentje avatar

    I've got my vip ticket for brussels!!!!!

  4. Bueno1984 avatar

    Got my Zurick Tick!!!!!! aaarrrggghhhh!!! Cant wait...so so excited

  5. Vivinoxy avatar

    OMG, I've just bought my tickets for zurich!!!!!!!!!!

  6. BelgiumNathalie avatar

    Brussels is sold out ?

  7. BelgiumNathalie avatar

    Brussels is sold out ?

  8. bulakgirl avatar

    no more tickets available for Brussels??? :(

  9. music is the key avatar

    Thanks for the info. Done. :)) See you guys at a different venue. Hugs and kisses to all of you.

  10. princessheidii avatar

    theres only 20 left for norway!!!who has bought??