1. HowieDLover7 avatar

    NUMBER ONE HIT! I love this video! I watched it on the Italy site, and I was blown away! There is NOTHING that I DON'T like about it! The Boys being themselves makes this video magical! I've watched it about 11 times now, and I cannot get enough of it! I find something new to smile about everytime I watch it! Thank you, BSB, for making my day yet again!! I love you guys SO much!! (((HUGS))) to all of you!

  2. Vanesiky avatar

    I love this video!! =)

  3. crazy_loca avatar

    I loved the video!!! It is so beautiful and natural!! It's so simple, but it really shows who you are... congratulations, you did a great job!

  4. Ruthie* avatar

    lol!!!!! did u girls c howie's expression at 2.10 of the video when he sings 'i'll try and measure up to u" looollll...its like he's scared of looking down!

  5. ErikaCarmen avatar

    I absolutely LOVE the video!! Its so natural and they're just bein themselves and having fun!
    Nick is so funny at the end!

  6. Franci_Black avatar

    I really love this video, it's one of my favorite of ever!! I love japan and bsb XD.

  7. Audrey avatar

    Watched the video and I L.O.V.E it !!!!
    The guys look so great! The concept is simple. Natural video....its like we are following them fdo the sightseeing in Japan! :)
    They makes me smile and lately, thats greatly appreaciated! THANKS !
    men you REALLY are bigger and Larger than life!

  8. Gabriela avatar

    L-O-V-E the video!!! You all look soooo happy and handsome!!! Just Beautiful...

  9. kroonmaki avatar

    What a great video!!! And Nick..........jeeze....................

  10. Gino avatar

    OMG guys, that video is awesome, i wish i could have been there too. it was soo great.