1. eddie avatar

    thanks for being understanding everyone!

  2. Paty avatar

    awww really upset

  3. NicksMyBiztch avatar

    26th sorry*

  4. NicksMyBiztch avatar

    yea i agree with you...the 16th like AJ had said... would have been good. but yea... i want to know if VIP ticket holders would get the tickets first then they release the tickets for the people who cant go...that's only fair

  5. Liliana Cepa avatar

    it really can't be that hard to reschedule...if they haven't by now- im sure its not happening!

    when can we expect refunds?

  6. MissCascante-Littrell avatar

    bummer =/

  7. JennBsB2785 avatar

    Alright we'll they're TRYING to reschedule, so that's good....what happend to the 26th though? O well....my dream will have to wait....I won the tickets too lol

  8. KDOHENY avatar


  9. kaotica avatar

    these tickets were sooo hard to get. . . I don't know if i can go through all the stress of trying to get them again. =( I hope in some way that those who were able to purchase these will be given the option to purchase first.

  10. Krazi4Sugar avatar

    But for those of us who had to battle this website for tickets, do we get first dibs IF they reschedule this? I dont want to lose out next time!