1. Janeth_Karen avatar

    thanks !!
    i love this is us

  2. Carobe44 avatar

    thanks!!! =D

  3. Tania Artemisa avatar

    "This Is Us" is a great record, I love it!!!
    I got all the songs in my ipod and i canĀ“t stop listen over and over again

  4. Sway_Shay avatar

    thank you!! :)

  5. AJsAngel avatar

    I am so freaking glad MTV posted this. I want everyone to read it and realize just how talented are guys really are and how much they totally love what they do! I am totally stoked for the tour because I have been wanting them to shake their booties more for a while. Now looks like we are gonna get a whole show of it! WOOHOO!!! ;)

  6. Cris avatar


  7. Nickely avatar

    asomnbrosa nota sobre ellos

    muchas gracias

    y la verdad es que este akbm es maravillosi y se merecen tido lo buenio que se dice de ellos

  8. Val avatar

    I love BSB and the album is great... but so different that what it used to be... But like Brian said, they have grown... I still hgave Black & Blues as my favorite albom!!!

  9. Lavi avatar

    Very good article from MTV..finally none is telling them "so you still call yourself 'boys' maybe you should change it to 'men'..." OMG...chrip!

  10. Sydney avatar

    Great article! Thanks.