1. NicksMyBiztch avatar

    omg thats classic...i love that one chick who answers the phone lmfao and the guy on the desk then the like bumper chairs lmfao

  2. HDDisMTT avatar

    Thanks for sharing. I loved it!

  3. MariaP avatar

    hahah.....hilarious...ahhaha....where was their boss ?..mmmm...

  4. lovebsb1234 avatar

    LMFAO at 2:24!!! Seriously.. was this right after a liquid lunch?

  5. lovebsb1234 avatar

    Bahhaha!! Where do I apply? I love watching the peeps in the background! lol

  6. lovebsb1234 avatar

    Bahhaha!! Where do I apply? I love watching the peeps in the background! lol

  7. ChicaLoca302 avatar

    I want co-workers like that.

  8. Kimsche avatar

    Whahahahahhaah this is very funny hihihi. How did they come up with it LOL!

  9. Endora avatar

    It´s wonderfull. The video is so funny!!! lol

  10. Nickely avatar


    wonderfull, woderfull, that is so funny