1. MariaP avatar

    hahah.....hilarious...ahhaha....where was their boss ?..mmmm...

  2. lovebsb1234 avatar

    LMFAO at 2:24!!! Seriously.. was this right after a liquid lunch?

  3. lovebsb1234 avatar

    Bahhaha!! Where do I apply? I love watching the peeps in the background! lol

  4. lovebsb1234 avatar

    Bahhaha!! Where do I apply? I love watching the peeps in the background! lol

  5. ChicaLoca302 avatar

    I want co-workers like that.

  6. Kimsche avatar

    Whahahahahhaah this is very funny hihihi. How did they come up with it LOL!

  7. Endora avatar

    It´s wonderfull. The video is so funny!!! lol

  8. Nickely avatar


    wonderfull, woderfull, that is so funny

  9. Paty avatar

    the guy upon the dek is priceless ^^

  10. janske avatar

    i love it!