1. TAMMY avatar

    I'll be watching the boys on Conan and Jimmy. Get welll soon Brian!
    Luv ya guys:)

  2. KARY avatar

    Sad!! but the health of Bri is first!!! go Boys.. we love you!!

  3. babyaniag avatar

    ok never mind I got it :) October 8th - The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien

    October 9th - Jimmy Kimmel

  4. babyaniag avatar

    What day is Jimmy Kimmel and Conan O'Brian ???

  5. Michelle avatar

    I agree with you. I do hope they let him rest and not push him. Brian needs all the rest he can get. This is serious stuff.

  6. xbillyjean42x avatar

    well, as long as brian gets better.
    i'm happy that as of now the jimmy kimmel is still on..but im still skeptical just cause it's the swine flu..and flu's last a long ass time. seriously. i wouldnt b surprised if they canceled the last two. *sigh*

  7. barbm218 avatar

    maybe they will just have an interview...i think it is too much to ask him to perform...he should be at home resting....I mean why expose him to more germs on an airplane to la?

  8. StillKTBSPA avatar

    Make sure Brian is well enough to go on those shows! It's more important that he gets himself better!

  9. Concetta Venuto avatar


  10. Sway_Shay avatar

    All that matter's is that Brian gets better!