1. berlin_wildcat avatar

    hey poor little brian*cuddle*
    i hope u´ll get well real soon!!!!!!take some rest and lots of sleep!!
    thanks for the video sweetie...but as all the others said before...THERE S NOTHING U HAVE TO BE SORRY FOR!!!!ur health takes priority!!!!
    take care hon´ and god bless u!


    urs jackie from berlin/germany

  2. KizzleKrista avatar

    Brian, I pray that you get better soon.....we all love you so much and are very concerned! There's no need to say sorry, it's out of your control. I'm praying for you and you have, like always, been in my thoughts.
    Love & God Bless,

  3. Kat81 avatar

    I also wanted to add you are a trooper brian for making this video for us, feeling the way you do. Just shows how much you care!
    take care and feel better soon

  4. Kat81 avatar

    No need to apologise B-Rok! All us fans want is for you to get better, love ya

  5. lionkingcat avatar

    Poor Brian no need to apologise! Get all better. Praying for you.

  6. Adri avatar

    Get well soon Bri!!! God bless u!

  7. mclady avatar

    Hey Brian !
    I hope you are well again soon! I pray for you and i hope sooo you feel much better the next days


    From Germany


  8. ~crazygirl~ avatar

    Brian Take your time you need to become healthy ... Health comes first. I pray for you!

  9. Gina avatar

    Brian,dont need to be sorry.We need you to be healthy.Get well soon!!!! Lots of love and support.

  10. almu avatar

    Thanks for the video