1. Helly avatar

    I am getting tears :(
    Oh Brian to see you sooooo sick hurts. You don't have to be sorry. I wish you all the best. Get well soon!!!! And take as much rest as you need.
    Lots of love from Germany. (also from non Fanclub friends)

  2. music is the key avatar

    Dear Brian,

    First of all, I wish you a speedy recovery. Your health is the most important of all. Please be careful. This illness can be dangerous. There is no need to say sorry to the fans. It is not your fault. I will pray for you that you will overcome that flu very soon. Much love from here.

  3. verokhabn avatar


    Moan much knowledge that these patient, I hope you recover soon, you do not worry about us Brian… we understand perfectly and your health is first, desire of all heart you always recover soon, these in my orations and now but that never… See You soon!

    We Love You!!

  4. Malin avatar

    Get better soon Brian!!!

  5. luz_mdq avatar

    Get well soon Brian! We love you!!! Argentina is praying for you! Kisses

  6. CanadianGurl2015 avatar

    awww u look so sad :( dont feel bad brian, any true fan would understand that your health and wellness come first and foremost before any fan or appearance..you have nothing to be sorry about...i pray for god to watch over you and help you to recover from your illness..god bless

  7. veronick avatar

    brian....Don't be sorry.....you have no control on this....i think of you and pray...get well soon!!! love!!!

  8. sweetfb avatar

    First of all Brian, DONT BE SORRY... Its certainly not your fault.. All that matters to us is your health... You need to be healthy... So please take care of yourself and just enjoy reading your fans posts about the new album, which Im going to Wal Mart after midnight to buy it:).. TAKE CARE sweety..
    Luv Steph xoxo

  9. bsb fan avatar

    we all hope you get better take care of yourself and don't be sorry we understand
    we will stick beside you for better or worse :(

  10. LadybuggBSB avatar

    Don't be sorry!! Just make sure you take care of yourself. I really hope you start to feel like yourself soon. We all love you Brian and your health is what's important to us. Take care.