1. CarlaLiliana avatar

    Get well

  2. Flavia Kelly avatar

    U are my ANGEL and HERO! God bless u!

  3. BSBCANDY85 avatar

    th@nk you for t@k!ng t!me to let u$ know wh@t$ popp!n… but dont worry @bout @nyth!ng other th@n gett!n your$elf better cuz th@t$ @ll th@t m@tter$ now everth!ng el$e @int no th!ng everyone know$ !f you could do wh@t !t do th@n you Would cuz you c@re @bout the f@n$ @nd the f@n$ c@re @bout you to we m@y not know you per$on@lly but we love @nd c@re @bout you @$ !f we d!d …@nd @ll we c@re @bout !$ you gett!n better for you @nd your f@m!ly$ $@ke l!ke ! $@!d everyth!ng el$e @!nt no th!ng $o dont even $we@t !t …………………….we love you @nd you @re !n @re pr@yer$ ………get well $oon….

  4. Kinzie avatar

    we love you rok, no need to apologize.

  5. BSBCANDY85 avatar

    no worr!e$ @ll th@t m@tter$ !$ your he@lth .... t@ke c@re of your$elf... @nd dont worry @bout @nyth!ng el$e

  6. HowieDLover7 avatar

    Sweet, sweet Brian! I love you and I pray that you'll be feeling better soon! Go back to bed and just take care of yourself. You don't owe us any apologies, but you are so wonderful to do so. Please get well soon! Much love and ((((HUGS))) to you! Susie

  7. ajs_ozzy avatar

    I would like to say THANK YOU!
    Ive never seen someone so dedicated to his fans as much as you are...to take the time when clearly you can see how unwell you are feeling to apologise for something you had no control over....it shows everyone what sort of man you are!
    I wish you a speedy recovery and lots of love all the way from Australia.

    Big Hugz
    Barb xo

  8. Quel Favaro avatar

    take a good rest, Brian! Enjoy Leigh and Baylee's company and u'll be great soon, I'm sure!!! We're all praying for you! LOVE U SO MUCH!

  9. LaurenNY88 avatar

    brian go back to bed and get some rest. thank you so much for the apology, but we understand. disappointed, yes but i'm sure you guys will reschedule and we'll have a great time when everyone is healthy. love you get better!

  10. nELIckSA avatar

    Mi vida... y todavia se disculpa, es un amor este hombre...