1. Dreamtears avatar

    i hope you're feeling better soon Brian, take care ok? and don't feel sorry, you couldn't help that you got sick, we totally understand ^^

  2. Holdensgaard avatar

    Get well soon Brian.

    God bless you and your family.

  3. eliCarterRichardson avatar

    Brian take care of yourself, please take your pills and do everything you have to in order to get well soon!!!

    I can't believe this happened to you!!!

    My love to you and the other boys

  4. eliCarterRichardson avatar

    The most important thing is health, I hope Brian will get well soon!!!!
    Kisses for him and for all of the other guys :)

  5. Gloria9306 avatar

    Stop apologizing and get well soon!! We know you would be there if you could! I hope you feel better soon!

  6. MojgaNick avatar


    oh noooooo


  7. gaby_argentina avatar

    I hope him to get better soon!
    and I would like to say to BSB that fans are more than happy to get this is us and hoping to see you on the road soon.

    You don t have to feel shame or anything like. Of course we feel worried about bri! all the best to him and his family!

    get better!

    part of the fans club in Argentina

  8. shark_lover86 avatar

    ohh Poor Brian!! I'll keep him in my prayers...he'll get better soon! :)

  9. stina_87 avatar

    Get well soon Brian!!!!

  10. Jessica (Katnick4ever) avatar

    get better, Brian. Our prayers are with you.