1. Monikinha avatar

    you will be OK soon
    all of your fans all over the world are praying
    you went throught so many things in life...this one is only one more step
    kisses from Brazil

  2. Adri avatar

    Get well soon Bri! You´re in my prayers! God bless u!!!! I´m sure you´ll be ok in a blink of an eye!!!!

  3. Janne Iren avatar

    Get well soon Brian!!!!!

  4. Dianne avatar

    Poor guy!! Hope he gets better soon! =(

  5. Adri avatar

    Get well soon Bri! You´re in my prayers! God bless u!!!! I´m sure you´ll be ok in a blink of an eye!!!!

  6. KimStar88 avatar

    be preying that Brian gets well soon and get planned of rest! xo BriLeigh! Kim

  7. Janne Iren avatar

    Get well Soon Brian!!!!!

  8. KimStar88 avatar

    be preying that Brian gets well soon and get planned of rest! xo BriLeigh!

  9. Michaela avatar

    Chin up Brian! I hope you get well soon! Best wishes

  10. Sarahfrost7 avatar

    I hope you get well soon Brian!!! XxX