1. little miss bsb avatar

    get well soon! Love u

  2. Mariana avatar

    i'm praying for him!!!

    i was totally shocked when a friend told me!!! :( hope he is under treatment and he will get better soon!


  3. barbm218 avatar

    hope you get better quickly! you look so sick in the video! breaks my heart...and i am sure it is so tough not to be with your family..

    you are in my prayers...

  4. li_schioppa avatar

    What about LA's event on Thursday???
    Get well soon B-Rok

  5. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Get well soon Brian, lots of love, please don't feel bad, your health comes first, God Bless you Brian, Nick, Howie and AJ and the entire tour crew.

  6. AnneS avatar

    All the best for getting well soon ! We love you !

  7. saidbsb avatar

    get well! Br!

  8. rt1983 avatar

    hope u feel better brian....love you lots

  9. Nicole avatar

    I hope you get better soon Brian and that Nick, AJ, Howie as well as the band and all your families stay healthy! I look forward to seeing you all real soon :) I can't wait to go buy THIS IS US on my lunch break today and hope that your exciting NY events get rescheduled when you feel up to it.

    Much Love,
    ~Nicole xoxo
    Long Island

  10. Gino avatar

    everyone will understand that the planned events are canceled, because your healths are important for us aswell. Brian, get better soon and God bless All of you