1. berlin_wildcat avatar

    hmm...maybe it´ll start next friday???*lol*but if it s real exclusive stuff...can´t wait to get it....i´m waitin for it!!! ;o)

  2. Chryssa_NC avatar

    hehe!!! That's gOOd!!!! Thanks!!! :)))))

  3. almu avatar

    Thanks for the info

  4. goldenrose88 avatar

    was the exclusive info that stuff about the breast cancer gig the guys are doing? cuz thats the only info that was given out this morning...

  5. camila_j avatar

    4:44pm in Brazil!

  6. kroonmaki avatar

    well 21:25 pm here in holland! friday is almost over!

  7. I.M. avatar

    Shall we make it "Thank God It's Saturaday" here in Europe?

  8. Janeth_Karen avatar

    O.o estare al pendiente cada viernes

  9. Nickely avatar


    it's great


  10. Lucy avatar

    It's already friday afternoon! Where's our surprise?